vendredi 12 juin 2009


6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Beaux culs, belles queues, donnent
beaucoups d'plaisir a toutes

BBS a dit…

miam les 2 mecs sur la scene bleue, bien de se voir baiser ds la glace
et miam l'avant derniere

Anonyme a dit…

Oh my!!

Anonyme a dit…

Oh my!!

Bystander a dit…

Of course, all fuck is gladdening, but when I am taking cock I am happiest when top and I can enjoy the encouragements of an audience, or at least conduct our fuck among others similarly engaged. The many urgings for top to infuse my fuckspace with enlargements of dick is wholesome to my ears, and bespeaks our own intentions very well. Males who gather about and churn their own penis in sympathy for our fuck are similarly inspiring, while the filling of other anuses in our midst can flood the space with exhilarating sound effects and rapturous scents. Finally, of course, our natural tendency to gather together and recombine our bodies in original chains of fuck is not to be resisted, as our enthusiasm envelops the audience.

Anonyme a dit…

I think the boy topping in the sex club is a natural-born entertainer and quite darling about it, too. I'd love to see him lick my penis when he's got a minute.